Loss of a Grand Daughter Selena Vigeant  2002 - 2023 (21)


Her boyfriend, Tyler Collins


A major accident leaves 2 dead and 2 injured

Un accident majeur fait 2 morts et 2 blessés: 


The collision occurred around 7 p.m. on Route 105 in La Pêche, in the Farrellton sector, police from the Collines-de-l'Ouataouais region confirmed in a press release. The 21-year-old woman and 22-year-old man were in one of the vehicles and were heading north. The cause and circumstances of the loss of control of the vehicle remain unknown.

La collision s’est produite vers 19 h sur la route 105 à La Pêche, dans le secteur Farrellton, a confirmé la police de la municipalité de région des Collines-de-l'Ouataouais, par voie de communiqué. La femme de 21 ans et l’homme de 22 ans se trouvaient à bord d’un des véhicules, et se dirigeaient vers le nord. La cause et les circonstances de la perte de contrôle du véhicule demeurent inconnues.


The mission of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais’ 9-1-1 Emergency Call Centre is to ensure a rapid response to citizens in emergency situations, to analyze the information gathered and to determine the appropriate resources to ensure the safety of our citizens and responders. 

The Traffic Unit is composed of two permanent officers. Their objective is to improve and ensure the safety of road users in partnership with the municipalities of the territory. Their work covers the entire road network of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais, which is composed of more than 2,545 km of roads and carriageways. 

The mission of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais Fire Prevention Service is to carry out prevention activities concerning high and very high fire risks on the MRC territory. 

Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais (French for "The hills of the Outaouais") is a regional county municipality in the Outaouais region of western Quebec, Canada. The region nearly encircles the City of Gatineau, which is to the south. Its administrative seat is in Chelsea, Quebec.

It was created in January 1991 when the Communauté régionale de l'Outaouais (Outaouais Regional Community) was split into Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais RCM and the Communauté urbaine de l'Outaouais (Outaouais Urban Community, now City of Gatineau). The region is home to the majority of Gatineau Park. It is bisected by the Gatineau River which flows from north to south. The Ottawa River forms the southwestern boundary


We invite you to come to Selena and Tyler's celebration of life on February 25th at 1 pm 

at the Marriott 200 Coventry Rd, Ottawa, On

Today's celebration of life Selena Vigeant and Tyler conference center room 106 

Naomie & Friends

Tante Monique Gagnon 

Oncle Jean Marc Seguin

Grand Father Eric Michel Reading:

Family and friends thank you for coming to Selena and Tyler's celebration of life. Even though they were only here a short while, they filled the world with joy. I hope there is comfort in knowing that Tyler and Selena are missed by all. Life as they knew it had suddenly come to a stop. 

We ask You, Holy Spirit, to grant them peace during this stressful adjustment. Let's pray for extra courage and strength for their loved ones as they deal with this trauma and to help them support their loved ones as they recover. Most importantly, I pray their relationships will be stronger than before when they come out on the other side of this traumatic time.

I know that sudden tragedies easily rock peace. As the families deal with this new normal, I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding. 

(Note: at the commemoration REM stopped reading here due to emotions & tears)

Blessed they are because they rest from their work.  as we mourn their loss, we ask that you cover their families with your wings of love.

Give us courage so we can hold each other and share the good memories of our beloved.

 this has been a big blow for our families,  Holy Spirit fills the void in our hearts and gives us the courage to face life's difficulties daily, we pray.

Tyler and Selena's life's journey with Death being "the inn lit" at the end of the road. Tell Tyler and Selena that we will carry their memories in the most precious part of our hearts as our loves do.

Crying would be useless because Tyler and Selena are no longer here. Instead, they are "sunlight on the ripened grain" and "gentle rain of autumn.  they will not be forgotten," as they will be remembered in the thoughts and deeds of those they loved. Death does not kill. Instead, Death causes a body to "turn into something else."

Tyler and Selena tell us to remember the thoughts and times we loved, cried, fought, and laughed in our hearts. Because if you always think of us, we will never leave. According to the law of conservation of energy, Tyler and Selena, not a crumb of you is gone; you're just less orderly. 

From grand papa je taime

Naomi, Karine, Selena, Francine


Selena, Karine, Naomi

Selena leaves to mourn 

Karine. Mikael


And all the Gagnon-Collins Families