Original Text For Selena

Brothers and Sisters, I am sorry you must endure this. Even though your children were only here a short while, they filled the world with joy. I hope there is comfort in knowing that Tyler and Selena are missed by all. Life as they knew it had suddenly come to a stop. The life changes are permanent due to the outcome and will be for these victims and their families;

I ask You, Holy Spirit, to grant them peace during this stressful adjustment. I pray for extra courage and strength for their loved ones as they deal with this trauma and to help them support their loved ones as they recover. Most importantly, I pray their relationships will be stronger than before when they come out on the other side of this traumatic time.

God, I come before You on behalf of Tyler and Selena involved in the accident. It is terrifying to have your way of life, independence, and more ripped away in minutes. The days ahead will be hard for Tyler and Selena's families, and there will be many new challenges. Tyler and Selena will have adjustments to make as their bodies mend, which may be a slow process.

I know that sudden tragedies easily rock peace. As the families deal with this new normal, I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to help them during this crisis.

Holy Spirit, remind us as we gather for this memorial that none of us live for ourselves and die for ourselves. Whether we live in this life or have passed away, we are yours.

Blessed are the dead because they rest from their work. God, as we mourn the loss of our loved one, Tyler and Selena, we ask that you cover their families with your wings of love.

Give us courage so we can hold each other and share the good memories of our beloved.

Father, this has been a big blow for our families, but you are their strength. Holy Spirit fills the void in our hearts and gives us the courage to face life's difficulties daily, we pray.

Tyler and Selena's life's journey with Death being "the inn lit" at the end of the road. Tell Tyler and Selena that we will carry their memories in the most precious part of our hearts as our loves do.

Crying would be useless because Tyler and Selena are no longer here. Instead, they are "sunlight on the ripened grain" and "gentle rain of autumn. We hope that even though they will "forget all," they will not be "all forgotten," as they will be remembered in the thoughts and deeds of those they loved. Death does not kill. Instead, Death causes a body to "turn into something else."

Tyler and Selena tell us to remember the thoughts and times we loved, cried, fought, and laughed in our hearts. Because if you always think of us, we will never leave. According to the law of conservation of energy, Tyler and Selena, not a crumb of you is gone; you're just less orderly. Amen