Firefighters' Memorials 

Dear Heavenly Father, we bow before you today, grieving the loss of the firefighters who have died in the line of duty.   We mourn the loss of these true heroes from our midst who gave their lives in the line of duty while protecting our lives, our homes, and our communities.   Jesus says in the Bible, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  (John 15:13 NIV version)  

These firefighters who answered the call to this difficult and dangerous task have shown love and commitment of the highest order for us and for this,, we are eternally grateful.

We are fully aware that we can never repay the sacrifice of these courageous firefighters.  We can never do anything to deserve their ultimate gift of service given to us at such great personal cost and given at such a great cost to their families.  

We can only acknowledge that they gave all for us.  Help us to go forward today, having received from these short moments of prayer and meditation a small measure of personal aspiration to be like them in small daily ways.  Help us to be inspired and changed by their self-sacrifice,, their strength, their courage, and their sense of duty. 


May we put our whole hearts into the tasks we do that serve the greater good of our community.  And may each small act of service we do be a living memorial to our fallen firefighters.  Amen.

When I receive my final call

That great summons from on high

The alarm that comes to one and all

From the Lord of earth and sky.

Would you respond as I have done

To neighbours along the way?

Comfort my firefighters as I have done

Please take a look at some kind words to say.

Give my boots, coat, helmet, Bible, and gloves

To a fine young Chaplain with pride.

Help them stand tall with those they love

And my spirit by their side.

Maybe I’m just reminiscing.

As I try to look ahead

Where fire alarms will never ring

This is true so Jesus said.

May God sustain and strengthen all,

My family and friends are so dear

When I respond to my last call

And my Jesus says:  “Come up here”.

Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Pierre Lacroix Pompier 

Martin Tremblay Pompier

Avant le début de la cérémonie, une procession a eu lieu du salon funéraire jusqu'à la basilique. Un camion de pompier ainsi que des membres de la brigade de sécurité incendie de Boischatel et L’Ange-Gardien ont ouvert la marche.