Police Memorial

OPP shootings in Bourget

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Russell County detachment in Embrun

officers ambushed 1 officer killed, 2 others injured in Bourget, Ont.

Sgt. Eric Mueller  

The Moncton shootings were a string of shootings that took place on June 4, 2014, in Moncton, in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Justin Bourque, a 24-year-old Moncton resident, shot five officers from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), killing three and severely injuring two. A manhunt for Bourque was launched and continued overnight and into June 5. On June 6, Bourque was found and taken into custody, ending a manhunt that lasted over 28 hours. The shooting was both Moncton's first homicide since 2010 and the deadliest attack on the RCMP since the Mayerthorpe tragedy in 2005, which left four RCMP officers dead. Bourque intended for the shootings to trigger a rebellion against the Canadian government. 

La fusillade de 2014 à Moncton désigne une fusillade survenue le 4 juin 2014 à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick. Justin Bourque, un jeune individu originaire de Moncton, fait feu sur cinq officiers de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), tuant trois, et blessant grièvement deux d'entre eux. Une chasse à l'homme contre Bourque est lancée et poursuivie durant la nuit du 5 juin. Le 6 juin, Bourque est retrouvé puis placé en détention, ce qui met fin à une chasse à l'homme de 28 heures. Cette fusillade est l'attaque la plus meurtrière à l'encontre de la GRC depuis Mayerthorpe en 2005, qui avait coûté la vie à quatre officiers de la GRC, et également le premier homicide commis à Moncton depuis 2010. 

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On April 18–19, 2020, Gabriel Wortman committed multiple shootings and set fires at 16 locations in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, killing 22 people and injuring three others before he was shot and killed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Enfield.

For most of the thirteen-hour crime spree, Wortman was driving a replica police car and may have been wearing parts of a police uniform. On December 4, three people, including Wortman's spouse, were charged with supplying him with ammunition later used in the attacks.

Police were criticized for not using Alert Ready to warn the public about the attacks, as well as not responding to reports of Wortman's behaviour and previous acts of domestic violence. An investigation into law enforcement's response to the rampage, including the decision not to use Alert Ready, was launched. A public inquiry into the law enforcement response was declared on July 28 following escalating criticism of the investigation's lack of transparency.

The attacks are the deadliest rampage in Canadian history, exceeding the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre in Montreal, where 14 women were killed. On May 1, in the wake of the attacks, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, following through on a 2019 campaign promise, announced an immediate ban on some 1,500 makes and models of "military-grade assault-style" weapons, including the types used in the attacks.

La tuerie de 2020 en Nouvelle-Écosse est une tuerie de masse par armes à feu et incendies volontaires, qui se déroule les 18 et 19 avril 2020 dans plusieurs localités de la province canadienne de Nouvelle-Écosse. Perpétrée par Gabriel Wortman, un prothésiste dentaire de 51 ans, elle fait 23 morts, dont une femme agent de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, avant que l'homme ne soit abattu par un autre agent. C'est la tuerie la plus importante à avoir eu lieu au Canada.

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