Immanuel Communion of Love 

The mysterious message is hidden in the Gospel passage from John 

God is a communion of love so intense that the love of the Father for His Son and of the Son for the Father is the third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. God is a perfect communion of love. This Love that is God generates or creates all that exists.

Eric Michel Ministries International

a Third Order of Saint Francis, Chaplain Ministry 

We are Roman Catholic in matters of Faith and Morals with the Church established by Jesus Christ.

Tertius Ordo Franciscanus

Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis 

St. Francis and scenes from his life

Date 13th century

Collection Santa croce

Source/Photographer wikimedia

The Third Order of Saint Francis is a third order in the Franciscan tradition of Christianity, founded by the medieval Italian Catholic friar Francis of Assisi.

The preaching of Francis and his disciples caused many married men and women to want to join the Franciscan First Order as friars or the Second Order as a nun. This being incompatible with their state of life, Francis found a middle way: in 1221 he gave them a rule animated by the Franciscan spirit. Those following this rule became members of the Franciscan Third Order, sometimes called tertiaries.

The Third Order is divided into Third Order Regulars, who live in religious congregations, and Third Order Seculars or the Secular Franciscan Order, who live in fraternities. The latter do not wear a religious habit, take vows, or live in the community, but gather together in the community on a regular basis. In 1978, the Catholic Third Order of Saint Francis was reorganized and given a new Rule of Life, approved by Pope Paul VI.

Apart from the Third Order of Saint Francis in Catholicism, the Lutheran and Anglican traditions also have Franciscan third orders.


How to pray with the Rosary

Comment prier avec le chapelet

Holy Eucharist 

How to pray at mass

Mass Time

Every Sunday  from 10:00 to 11:30

For other Celebration, see our Calendar