Militia Immaculatae

Chevalier de l'Immaculée

Knight of the Immaculate

The "Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary" was coined by Pope John Paul II during his Angelus Address of September 15, 1985. Discussing devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he said that "...though distinct, they are interrelated because of the enduring relation of love that exists between the Son and his Mother." Subsequently, several symposia were held to examine its roots and implications. Since there had already been much research on Devotion to the Sacred Heart, the conferences tended to focus on the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary from the perspective of Sacred Scripture and Tradition 

The "Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary" is a phrase coined by Pope John Paul II during his Angelus Address of September 15, 1985, when he mentioned that devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, "...though distinct, they are interrelated...." symposia were held on the concept during the 1980s and 1990s.

It was not until the seventeenth century that John Eudes popularized devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Although Eudes always associated the two Hearts, he began his devotional teachings with the Heart of Mary and then extended it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Both devotions grew in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, mainly through the popularity of the Miraculous Medal, depicting the Heart of Jesus thorn-crowned and the Heart of Mary pierced with a sword. The devotions and associated prayers grew into the twentieth century through the reported messages of Our Lady of Fátima saying that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be honoured together with the Heart of Mary. In the 1956 encyclical Haurietis Aquas, Pope Pius XII encouraged both devotions.

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Latin: Cor Jesu Sacratissimum) is one of the most widely practised and well-known Catholic devotions, wherein the heart of Jesus Christ is viewed as a symbol of "God's boundless and passionate love for mankind." This devotion to Christ is predominantly used in the Catholic Church, followed by high-church Anglicans and some Western Rite Orthodox. The Latin Church's liturgical Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on the third Friday after Pentecost. The 12 promises of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus are also extremely popular.

The devotion is primarily concerned with what the church deems to be the long-suffering love and compassion of the heart of Christ towards humanity. The popularization of this devotion in its modern form is derived from a Roman Catholic nun from France, Margaret Mary Alacoque, who said she learned the devotion from Jesus during a series of apparitions to her between 1673 and 1675, and later, in the 19th century, from the mystical revelations of another Catholic nun in Portugal, Mary of the Divine Heart, a religious sister of the congregation of the Good Shepherd, who requested in the name of Christ that Pope Leo XIII consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Predecessors to modern devotion arose unmistakably in the Middle Ages in various facets of Catholic mysticism, particularly with Gertrude the Great.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Latin: Cor Immaculatum Mariae) is a Roman Catholic devotion which refers to the view of the interior life of Mary, her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for God the Father, her maternal love for her son Jesus Christ, and her motherly and compassionate love for all mankind. Traditionally, the Immaculate Heart is depicted as pierced with seven swords or wounds in homage to the seven dolours of Mary and roses, usually red or white, wrapped around the heart.

The Eastern Catholic Churches occasionally utilize the image, devotion, and theology associated with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. However, this is a cause of controversy, with some seeing it as a form of Liturgical Latinisation. The Roman Catholic view is based on their understanding of certain verses of scripture, particularly the Gospel of Luke.

The veneration of the Heart of Mary is analogous to the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are, however, differences in this analogy, as devotion to the heart of Jesus is primarily directed to the "divine heart" as overflowing with love for humanity. In the devotion to Mary, however, the attraction is the love of her heart for Jesus and God.

The second difference is the nature of the devotion: in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Roman Catholic venerates in the sense of love responding to love; in the devotion to the Heart of Mary, study and imitation hold as important a place as love. The devotion aims to unite humankind to God through Mary's heart, which involves the ideas of consecration and reparation.

The Rosary

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Most  Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I  consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with your heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father, pleading for the coming of His kingdom. Please receive this humble offering of myself. Use me as you will for the Father's glory and souls' salvation.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and tender Mother of all people, I consecrate  myself to your Immaculate Heart and recommend to you my family, my  country, and the whole human race. Please accept my consecration,  dearest Mother, and use me as you wish to accomplish your designs upon the world. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, rule over me and teach me how to allow the Heart of Jesus to rule and triumph in me and around me, as it has ruled and triumphed in you. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, protect us!

The Mission of the Immaculate does not direct its institutionalized works. It occasionally offers a volunteer service in response to specific environmental and social requirements. For example, social reintegration of alcoholics and drug addicts, assistance for AIDS patients, medical or nursing assistance in poor neighbourhoods, humanitarian assistance for young mothers in difficulty, adult literacy work, educational support, and parish catechesis. On the other hand, the evangelization activity of the Rede Mariana de Râdio e Televisao de Santo André (São Paulo, Brazil) of the typography and editorial center Jardim da Imaculada in Cidade Ocidental (Brazil), of the training center and Mary-town broadcast from Libertyville, Illinois (United States), is integrated into the work.

La Mission de l'Immaculée ne dirige pas d'œuvres propres institutionnalisées. Elle offre, à l'occasion, un service de volontariat en réponse à des exigences particulières de milieu et de conditions sociales. Par exemple: réinsertion sociale d'alcooliques et de toxicomanes, assistance aux malades du sida, assistance médicale ou d'infirmier/ère dans des quartiers pauvres, assistance humanitaire à des jeunes mamans en difficulté, œuvre d'alphabétisation des adultes, soutien scolaire, catéchèse paroissiale. En revanche, l'activité d'évangélisation de la Rede Mariana de Râdio e Televisao de Santo André (São Paulo, Brésil), de la typographie et du centre éditorial jardim da Imaculada à Cidade Ocidental (Brésil), du centre de formation et de diffusion Mary-town de Libertyville, dans l'Illinois (États-Unis), est intégrée à l'œuvre.

The work of the Chaplaincy

The Militia Immaculatae (meaning the "Army of the Immaculate One"), called in English the Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Catholic evangelization movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917.

The Militia of the Immaculata (or MI) was founded in Rome at the "St. Bonaventure" Pontifical Theological Faculty (now the International College of the Conventual Franciscans) by a Conventual Franciscan, Saint Maximilian Kolbe. The MI is open to all Catholics and encourages intercession to the Virgin Mary to convert sinners.

Kolbe presented the idea of forming the MI to his Jesuit spiritual director and his Franciscan Superior at the House of Studies in Rome and was encouraged to proceed. The purpose of the MI is to draw souls back to the knowledge and importance of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to show how every soul can quickly enter this consoling mystery through their own personal Act of Consecration to the Immaculata.

The Vicariate of Rome established it as a pious union on January 2, 1922.

Joining the MI involves making a personal act of consecration to Mary. Members wear the Miraculous Medal as an outward sign of their consecration.

The purpose of the Knights is contained in these words: to do all you can for the conversion of sinners, heretics, schismatics and so on, above all the Masons, and for the sanctification of all persons under the sponsorship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Mediatrix. - Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, 1938.

The association grew and spread to different countries. On October 16, 1997, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed the "Milizia dell'Immacolata" to be an international association of the faithful of pontifical rights. MI claims to have over 3 million members in 48 countries.

The organization publishes Miles Immaculatae, a six-monthly magazine of Marian culture and Kolbian formation. Founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe, specifically for priests and pastoral workers, it is now the official publication of the International Center.

Consecration to the Immaculata: In the Heart of the Trinity, with Our Gaze Fixed on Christ Readings from the Writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe 

Consécration à l’Immaculée: Dans le cœur de la Trinité, avec le regard fixé sur le Christ. Lecture de quelques écrits de saint Maximilien Kolbe. 

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Revd. Marie                                                             Holy Mary                                                      Revd. Eric Michel

 We have the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary at the Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec.

And the Militia Immaculate in Kelowna, British Columbia.


Militia Immaculatae