First Responders

The Emergency Ministry of Chaplains (EMMI-FAICL) (EMERGENCY)

EMMI-FAICL provides Chaplaincy service to EMS, Fire, Paramedic and Police agencies on-scene and “behind the scene,” emphasizing Critical Incident Stress mitigation. The services offered by Emergency Ministries are without regard to religious affiliation, on issues involving things such as fatalities involving children, multiple fatality accidents, deaths of co-workers, marital problems, substance abuse issues and the like.

“To come alongside first responders who experience extraordinary human events daily

and to offer them emotional and spiritual support services.”

EMMI - FAICL is a group of specially trained Chaplains who respond to the needs of our first responder community.

Founded in August of 2010, we are a non-profit corporation (registered in 2014) of Eric Michel Ministries International.

To become an EMMI - FAICL Chaplain, one particular requirement is to “Wear the Badge.” This means that each of our Chaplains has served as a first responder as is or has been qualified as an Emergency responder. EMMI - FAICL Chaplains is a Christian-based chaplaincy organization headquartered in Ottawa. We are a non-profit organization and serve the community, including Fire, Police & EMS agencies. We currently serve 4 Provinces: Quebec and Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and we also accept applications for new chaplains. We can provide training to new members and also support those who have experience. We are from various Christian backgrounds, It makes EMMI - FAICL more unique to provide on-scene services.

Our Mission:

The primary mission of EMMI-FAICL is to provide pastoral care and counselling for employees and families of first responders, as well as the general population and other local emergencies, and to provide follow-up visitations in the home or in the hospital for victims of crimes and their families.

Purpose Statement

EMMI - FAICL's purpose is to provide support to emergency service workers and offer compassion to those experiencing a crisis.

What we believe:

EMMI-FAICL provides caring, compassion, and encouraging support to anyone in need, regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, colour, or disability.  We are a multidenominational organization based on Christianity.

Crisis Chaplain Requirement for Volunteer:

The Board of Elders Review Committee reserves the right to waive criteria if the applicant provides compatible recognized certification by his work in the social or medical field. Applicants who need to demonstrate that they have met the requisite criteria for Certification will be informed as to the reason for denial. The candidate will be given a second opportunity to provide additional supporting documentation.

En cas de mort subite, répondant gravement blessé ou de décès dans l'exercice de ses fonctions, un aumônier fournit à la fois des conseils aux intervenants et aux autres membres du service.

Le travail d'un aumônier n'est pas facile. Leur objectif principal est d'aider les fournisseurs de premiers répondants et les autres membres du service en cas de blessé ou de décès d'un répondant. Nous sommes également à la disposition du personnel pour des conseils en cas de deuil. Nous prêtons l'oreille à ceux qui ont besoin de parler de quelque chose qui les dérange, comme le stress physique ou émotionnel. L'objectif d'un aumônier d'Eric Michel Ministries International est d'aider, de réconforter et d'aider la famille du répondant.

Bien que liés à la tradition religieuse catholique, nous pouvons également servir en tant que non confessionnels et non sectaires, généralement découvrir la préférence religieuse d'un irépondant ou de la famille du répondant et informer leur église.

In the event of sudden death, seriously injured responder or line of duty death, a chaplain counsels responders and other department members.

A chaplain's job is not an easy one. Their main purpose is to help First Responders providers and other department members in the event of an injured or killed responder. We are also available to personnel for grief counselling. We lend an ear to those who need to talk about something bothering them, such as physical or emotional stress. An Eric Michel Ministries International chaplain's goal is to aid, comfort and help responders.

While bound in the religious Catholic tradition, we can also serve as non-denominational and non-sectarian. We usually find out a responder's or family of a responder's religious preference and notify a nearby church.

9-1-1, usually written as 911, is an emergency telephone number for the United States, Canada, Palau, Argentina, Philippines, and Jordan, as well as the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), one of eight N11 codes. Like other emergency numbers around the world, this number is intended for use in emergency circumstances only. Using it for any other purpose (such as making false or prank calls) is a crime in most jurisdictions. 

The photo was taken by w:User: FtWashGuy 

In over 98% of locations in Argentina, Belize, Anguilla, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jordan, Ethiopia, Liberia, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Uruguay, United States, Palau, Mexico, Tonga, and Canada, dialling "9-1-1" from any telephone will link the caller to an emergency dispatch office, called a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) by the telecommunications industry, which can send emergency responders to the caller's location in an emergency. In approximately 96 percent of the United States, the enhanced 9-1-1 system automatically pairs caller numbers with a physical address.

In the Philippines, the 9-1-1 emergency hotline has been available to the public since August 1, 2016, starting in Davao City. It is the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region. It replaces the previous emergency number 117 used outside Davao City.

As of 2017, a 9-1-1 system is in use in Mexico, where implementation in different states and municipalities is being conducted.

Le 911 (prononcé, de manière équivalente, « neuf, un, un » en français canadien et nine one one en anglais) est un numéro d'appel d'urgence nord-américain depuis 1968. Il fait partie du plan de numérotation nord-américain et est l'un des huit codes N11. En 2020, il est appelé environ 650 000 fois par jour aux États-Unis. En Europe, le 112 a été retenu comme numéro d'appel d'urgence, même si les pays n'ont pas toujours supprimé leur numéro historique.

L'alerte (les Suisses utilisent le terme d'alarme) en premiers secours consiste, pour un sauveteur, à alerter les secours public pour demander leur intervention (pompier, SAMU) ou un conseil à la régulation médicale. C'est la troisième étape, après la protection et le bilan lors d'une action de porter secours. L'alerte est nécessaire lorsqu'un danger menace une personne ou un bien (accident, malaise, incendie,...), et va permettre de déclencher une prise en charge adaptée. C'est pourquoi l'évaluation faite lors du bilan est primordiale afin que la réponse apportée soit adaptée au péril (intervention des pompiers pour un incendie ou un accident, du SAMU pour un malaise cardiaque, de secours nautique pour une personne se noyant,...)

Le moyen le plus fiable de passer l'alerte est le téléphone filaire : la communication est de qualité, et il est aisé de localiser l'appel. À défaut, on peut utiliser un téléphone portable : il a l'avantage d'être souvent disponible immédiatement, mais si l'appelant n'est pas capable d'indiquer à quel endroit se situe le sinistre, il est plus difficile de le localiser, sauf si le téléphone est muni d'une puce GPS. Certains pays ont mis en place une alerte par SMS ou par courrier électronique, utilisable par les handicapés de la voix. Malgré le développement des médias sociaux pour la gestion de l'urgence (MSGU), il n'est pas encore possible de prévenir de manière efficace les secours par les réseaux sociaux.

Rt. Revd. Marie Arnold

Chief Chaplain