
Les Ministères ERIC MICHEL Ministries International is a chaplaincy of the Affiliate Catholic Church of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, based in Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2012 in the Province of Quebec, it has a majority of French and English followers. The Incorporation was made and received from Industry Canada on  2014.07.14 under 895170-5 as a Non-Profit Religious Corporation. Please note we do not have a church statute registered with the government as a religious corporation not-for-profit called a chaplaincy.

The purposes of Eric Michel Ministries International are to promote the Catholic faith; to educate its members, congregants and the public about its values, history and religious tradition; to develop educational, theological, spiritual and inspirational material for the benefit of its members, congregations and the general public; to promote charitable acts and causes; to foster fellowship and goodwill among its members, congregants and the public; to promote reasoning religion, religious tolerance and freedom of conscience; to promote the moral, ethical and responsible exercise of free will; to promote a free society.

EMMI-FAICL  Catholic Chaplaincy Ministry believes that the fundamental truths of the faith can and should always be expressed in a way compatible with the best scholarship, science, and philosophy. EMMI-FAICL Catholic Ministry is governed by a General Episcopal Synod of all bishops under the General Assembly Symposium, governed by all its members who recognize its authority. The Symposium meets formally once a year in January or February, and they elect a presiding bishop from among themselves. The Presiding Bishop of the House of Bishops oversees all religious aspects of the organization. Also, a House of Elders overlooks the material elements under The Chair of the Archbishop and the Divine Sofia. It is understandable to those who are well-educated in these things.

The EMMI Catholic Ministry maintains a high level of intellectual liberty for its members in matters such as the interpretation of creeds and freedom of conscience.

Creed public domain Wikipedia

God gave us two books: The Scripture and The Nature, and God cannot contradict Himself

what is said in one book must match what is said in the other.

The  Catholic Ministry teaches the existence of God, which is infinite, eternal, transcendent, and immanent. He is the one essence from which all forms of existence are derived. 'In him, we live and move and have our being' (Acts 17:28).

God manifests in his universe as a Trinity, called in the Christian religion Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three Persons in one God, co-equal and co-eternal; the Father the cause of all; the Son the Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us, the Holy Spirit the life-giver, the inspirer and sanctifier.

Man is a complex of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit of man, made in God's image, is divine in essence. Therefore, he cannot cease to exist; he is eternal, and his future is one whose glory and splendour have no limit.

Christ ever lives as a mighty spiritual presence in the world, guiding and sustaining his people. The divinity manifest in him is gradually being unfolded in every man until each shall come 'unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ' (Eph. 4:13).

The world is the theatre of an ordered plan, according to which the spirit of man continually unfolds his powers by repeatedly expressing himself in varying conditions of life and experience. This spiritual unfoldment takes place under an inviolable law of cause and effect. 'Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap' (Gal. 6:7). His doings in each physical incarnation largely determine his experience after death in the intermediate world (or the world of purgation) and the heavenly world and greatly influence the circumstances of his next birth. Man is a link in a vast chain of life, extending from the highest to the lowest. As he helps those below him, he is also helped by those who stand above him on the ladder of life, thus receiving a free gift of grace. There is a communion of saints, men made perfect or holy, who help mankind. There is a ministry of angels.

Man has ethical duties to himself and others. 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is like, unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and Prophets. (Matt.22:37-40). It is the duty of man to learn to discern the divine light in himself and others, that light 'which lighteth every man' (John. 1:9). Because men are sons of God, they are brothers and inseparably linked together. That which harms one harms the entire brotherhood. Hence, a man owes it as a duty to God both within himself and others, first, to endeavour constantly to live up to the highest that is in him, thereby enabling  God within himself to become more perfectly manifest, and secondly, to recognize the fact of that brotherhood by a constant effort towards unselfishness, by the love of, consideration for, and service to his fellow men. The service of humanity, reverence for all life and the sacrifice of the lower self to the higher are laws of spiritual growth.

Christ instituted various sacraments in which an inward and spiritual grace is given to us through an outward and visible sign. Seven rites may be ranked as sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, the Holy Eucharist, Absolution, Holy Unction, Holy Matrimony, and Holy Orders. The doctrine of these sacraments is sufficiently outlined in the authorized Liturgy of the Catholic Ministry. Christ, the living head of the church he founded, is the faithful minister of all sacraments. 

Ecclesiastical Affiliation OFE Charter#04062022

Under Article 10.1: Admission as an Ecclesiastical Affiliation OFE Charter of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist.

Charter member needs to learn the history of the Order, mission statement, goals, mission, charism, apostolic works, “Rule of Life, 

General Constitutions, etc.,  at  franciscanseucharist.org.

Is it an official Order?

It is established under the Charter of




(Order of Franciscans Ecumenical, Inc.)

And The



Visit our home page at https://www.iclfa.ca/ for details

Our page at the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist

We are a Not-for-Profit Christian Religious Corporation named Eric Michel Ministries International, registered at Corporation Canada under the number 895170-5, since July 14, 2014. We have existed since 1978 but were never registered with the Government authorities.

What are the joining requirements?

The FAICL Chaplaincy ministries allow members to participate more fully in the church's life. At FAICL, we offer a range of ministries that reflect all aspects of the Christian life, including prayer, liturgy, youth work, music, social ministry and maintenance. We'd like to encourage you to volunteer for any activity that suits your interest or talent. Training will be provided, and your commitment to attending meetings and active engagement depends on your generosity. Please reach out to our office for more information.