Earth Trinity

At FAICL we have our Heavenly Trinity: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

And also our Earth Trinity (Saints)

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Benedictine monasticism Cistercian Order

 1090 - 1153 

Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone

St. Francis of Assisi 

 Order of Friars Minor (Franciscan)

1181 - 1226

St. Thomas Aquinas

Order of Preachers (Dominican) 

1225 -1274

A Role Model is a person, or persons, in our case, whose behaviour, example, or success are or can be emulated by other people.

Learning about God's people and how they lived their lives for God inspires people to walk a Christian life boldly. Doing something once someone else has done it first is always easier. Role models are considerably more likely to remain committed to their faith as young adults. The intergenerational relationship is the leading factor of faith influencers.

The stories of three incredible Monks and Saints' role models of faith, from the church leaders and the saints of the Middle Ages, left indelible marks upon the Christian faith. Youth can find role models worthy of admiration and emulation in such persons.

Saints are role models for many in that they follow the example of Jesus Christ, who was faithful to God until death. Martin Luther and Jean Calvin admired our Role Model Saints, especially Clairveau. The ones who could intercede and respond to the needs of people and the church, and finally, those who were merited with public honour and cultic recognition by the church. Having a good role model and being a good role model is a natural outcome of living the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20); we should have good role models to look up to in making disciples.