


Community Crisis Response

 Chapelain / Chaplain / Capellan 

EMMI Christian Catholic Apostolic

First Responder Chaplain Emergency Support

Aumônier premier intervenant soutien d'urgence

The Archmobile FoRCES Community Crisis Response

One God, One Faith, One Baptism. In Jesus' Name, we are one in the body of Christ.

Welcome to Eric Michel Ministries International, a network of Christians and their friends who are a voice for change in justice, peace and integrity of creation, according to the EMMI values in our daily lives. This Holy Christian Catholic and Apostolic Communion is one in matters of Faith and Morals with the Church established by Jesus Christ.

The Eric Michel Ministries International (EMMI) was founded in 1978 under other names until 2014 with a permanent name.  EMMI is constituted in Canada with partnerships worldwide.


 Eric Michel Ministries International FAICL-EMS Chaplaincy Mission:

“To come alongside first responders who experience extraordinary human events daily and to offer them emotional and spiritual support services.”

We provide on-scene (and “behind the scene”) Crisis Chaplaincy for emergency workers (first responders). Our emphasis is on Critical Incident Stress mitigation.

Our services are offered without regard to religious affiliation. We intervene with responders on

issues such as fatalities involving children, multiple fatality accidents, deaths of co-workers, marital problems, and substance abuse issues.


First Responder Chaplain Emergency Support

Aumônier premier intervenant soutien d'urgence

EMMI-FAICL, we are a fellowship of First Responders Rescue Chaplains. 

The mission of the EMMI-FAICL Chaplains is to give aid, comfort and help to firefighters and their families and to work toward the betterment of all areas of the fire and emergency service. To serve God, to aid our communities and to help bring about a better understanding among all people with mutual harmony and respect regardless of their background, and to achieve a single healing, unifying spirit of love for God and each other.

The EMMI-FAICL is interdenominational and calls for no compromise of either individual beliefs or convictions. Our first responsibility is to God and our second people.

As EMMI-FAICL Chaplains, our work is not limited to the area of fire departments, firefighters, communities, or victims of the devastating ravages of fire or other crises. We shall strive to help ease our fellow neighbours' suffering wherever our paths lead. However, as a base for our work, we have chosen Eastern Canada's Fire Service, the acknowledged world's most dangerous profession, and fire victims whose suffering is beyond description.

The members of the EMMI-FAICL believe that by bringing persons together to provide an adequate response to Crisis Situations, by training, and responding to the Chaplain's work, we will be able to achieve the goal of serving God and citizens with God's help, we will strive to do so.

EMMI-FAICL, nous sommes une communauté d'aumôniers des premiers intervenants.

La mission des Aumôniers EMMI-FAICL est d'apporter aide, réconfort et secours aux pompiers et à leurs familles ; travailler à l'amélioration de tous les domaines du service d'incendie et d'urgence. Servir Dieu, aider nos communautés et contribuer à une meilleure compréhension entre toutes les personnes dans l'harmonie et le respect mutuels, quelle que soit leur origine, et parvenir à un seul esprit de guérison et d'amour unificateur pour Dieu et les uns pour les autres.

L'EMMI - FAICL est interconfessionnelle et n'appelle à aucun compromis sur les croyances ou les convictions individuelles. Notre première responsabilité est envers Dieu et envers nos citoyens.

En tant qu'aumôniers EMMI-FAICL, notre travail ne se limite pas au domaine des services d'incendie, des pompiers, des communautés ou des victimes des ravages dévastateurs d'un incendie ou d'autres crises. Nous nous efforcerons d'aider à soulager la souffrance de nos voisins partout où nos chemins nous mèneront. Cependant, comme base de notre travail, nous avons choisi le service d'incendie de l'Est du Canada, la profession reconnue la plus dangereuse au monde, et les victimes d'incendie, dont la souffrance est la plus indescriptible.

Les membres de l'EMMI - FAICL croient qu'en rassemblant des personnes pour apporter une réponse adéquate aux situations de crise, en formant et en répondant au travail de l'aumônier, nous pourrons atteindre l'objectif de servir Dieu et les citoyens avec l'aide de Dieu, nous s'efforcera de le faire.

The EMMI Chaplains, formed in 2014, is a nonprofit religious organization that aims to bring together individuals and groups interested in providing effective chaplaincies for fire and rescue service organizations. To fulfill this purpose, the EMMI-FAICL and its members exchange and share ideas and concerns that influence the quality of life of all fire service members and their families. These shared ideas and concerns should encourage and assist each other in developing the noblest human characteristics: service to others and God.

Les Aumôniers EMMI - FAICL, formé en 2014, est une organisation religieuse à but non lucratif. Le but de cette organisation est de rassembler les individus et les groupes intéressés à fournir des aumôniers efficaces pour les organisations de services d'incendie et de sauvetage. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l'EMMI-FAICL et ses membres échangent et partagent des idées et des préoccupations qui influencent la qualité de vie de tous les membres des services d'incendie et de leurs familles. Ces idées et préoccupations partagées devraient encourager et aider chacun à développer la plus noble de toutes les caractéristiques humaines, le service aux autres et à Dieu.

We are a Christian corporation founded upon Christian principles. We strive to create a welcoming environment built upon a solid foundation of God's Word and dedicated service in preaching and living the Gospel of Christ. We hope to have you join our fellowship so we can help each other grow in the knowledge and love of Christ.

The Eric Michel Ministries International (E.M.M.I.) is a multidenominational Chaplaincy & Seminary headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The Chaplaincy traces its founding to Jesus and the Twelve Apostles and sees the church's Bishops as the Apostles' successors. While it derives its Apostolic Succession from the teaching.

The Monotheist Catholic Ministry is a renewal of first-century Christianity envisioned by a faithful few Judeo-Christians. A monotheistic religion born within Christianity recognizes the existence of a transcendent God. Baptists comprise a group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers and must be done by complete immersion, effusion or sprinkling. Other tenets include soul liberty, salvation through faith and work, and Scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice.

The history debut of Eric Michel Ministries International is based on documents that we possess; since 2010, we have been saying that our roots started in 1987, leading to the general ordination of the members of S.U.N.S. on December 7 of the year 1988, when we made the Mediatech's Bible list on November 6, 2015, we found a Bible with a mark SUNS and dated of 1979. We have existed, to date, for at least 44 years.

Ecumenism is any interdenominational initiative aimed at greater cooperation among Christian churches.


Eric Michel Ministries Int'l  Chaplaincy is a multidenominational working for Christian Organizations. This is the way that we teach and outreach workers since the beginning; we are convinced that the only way to salvation is only one Christian Faith/Church; remembering a sermon of the televangelist Frederick K.C. Price one time said, "Jesus was NOT Catholic, Methodist, He was not Evangelic Baptist, not Episcopalian, Jesus was not Lutheran, Pentecostal, Anglican, Presbyterian, Jesus was a "JEW," a prophet and healer of the Jewish faith.

According to Bishop Spong, being a prophet doesn't mean telling the future as many think but explaining the Kingdom of God.