
God's Commandments

01. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

02. Remember the Day of the Lord to keep it holy. Observe the Day of the Lord to keep it holy.

03. Honour thy father and thy mother.

04. Thou shalt not commit murder. The reasons for going to war are defensive. The ultimate aim is peace and a serious chance of success.No graver evils are produced that overshadow the evil to be eliminated. This forbids using arms to eliminate whole cities and areas with their inhabitants. Respect and care are required for non-combatants, wounded soldiers and prisoners. Soldiers are required to disobey commands to commit genocide and ones that violate universal principles.

05. Thou shalt not commit adultery. The sexes are meant by divine design to be different and complementary, each having equal dignity and made in the image of God. Sexual acts are sacred. Sexual sins thus violate the body and the person's whole being. Rape is an intrinsically evil act that can cause grave damage to the victim for life. Rape of children by parents or other adult relatives or those responsible for the education of the children entrusted to them is considered the most heinous of sexual sins.

06. Thou shalt not steal.

07. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. False witness and perjury: statements made publicly in court which obstruct justice by condemning the innocent or acquitting the guilty or which may increase the punishment of the accused.Rash judgement: believing, without sufficient evidence, that a person has committed moral faults. Detraction: the disclosure of another's faults without a valid reason. Calumny: lying to harm a person's reputation and providing an opportunity to others to make false judgements concerning them.Flattery: "speech to deceive others for our benefit."Bragging, boasting, or mocking: speech that only honours oneself or dishonours others.

08. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house. Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour. Envy is the desire for what belongs to another. Envy is the attitude that fills us with sadness at the sight of another's prosperity.

09. Obedience and honour to all who, for our good, have received authority in society from God.

10. Practicing charity is necessary for any working family or society; it is the most significant social commandment and requires people to love God and their neighbour. Greed is the desire for too much of what one does not need.

11. An expectation for families to help other families.

12. Moral education, spiritual formation and evangelization" of your children, Respect for children as children of God and human persons. Being a good example" to the children. Respect your wife, the mother of your children; treat her as you treat yourself.